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03.08.05: The blog has moved to www.antropologi.info/blog/anthropology/, and several broken links have been corrected

Here are the most recent posts on the new blog location:

[ Frontpage ]

Saturday, December 11, 2004, 16:00

The Vulgar Spirit of Blogging - ethnographic study of Persian-language weblogs

Alireza Doostdar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, American Anthropologist

This article is an ethnographic study of Persian-language weblogs (blogs), focusing on a divisive argument among Iranian bloggers that came to be known as the "vulgarity debate."

Sparked by a controversial blogger who ridiculed assertions that Islam was compatible with human rights, the debate revolved around the claim that biogging had a "vulgar spirit" that made it easy for everything from standards of writing to principles of logical reasoning to be undermined. >> continue (pdf)

(via Global Voices)


Alireza Doostdar's old blog

Judd Antin's (TechnoTaste) comments


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