(via Putting People First) Worldchanging has "tracked projects that use new technologies to empower indigenous cultural survival -- from digital applications using Inuktitut, the Inuit native language, to the Aboriginal Mapping Project, which harnesses the power of GIS to help indigenous peoples manage their lands and resources, to the networked reindeer tracking of Saami Networked Connectivity Project". Additionally, they point to the latest volume of Cultural Survival Quarterly. It is devoted to Indigenous Peoples Bridging the Digital Divide. Much to read! >> continue to Worldchanging
PS: Worldchanging is a blog devoted to "Models, Tools, and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future" and Dina Mehta (Conversations with Dina) is one of the contributers
Women in Cameroon:Information technology as a way out of the cultural cul-de-sac
Modern technology revives traditional languages
Internet and development in India
To Whom It May Concern,
Im inquiring if there are certain Australian Aborigine Tribes in Australia,that come in different shades like,from light brown to olive complexion, resembling an east Indian person without any intermixing with any European,or Asian peoples over the centuries!
As you may know Australian Aborigines have their unique features like an Asian,or a Latino person!
I would like to encourage you to please forward this inquire to the director!
Thank You for your time in this matter!
Christopher Coleman