What happened at the AAA-conference in San Jose - a round up
I haven't been at the annual meeting of tha American Anthropological Association but some other anthro-bloggers have (no journalists, though!). Information is scarce. Nevertheless, a few new reviews and blog posts have appeared since my first round up First news from the AAA-conference? one week ago:
- One of the few reviews was written by Amelia Guimarin. She has also put online her presentation llustrating Identity: Body Piercing and Photography that is based on her thesis In the Flesh: Body Piercing as a Form of Commodity-Based Identity and Ritual Rite of Passage (.doc!)
- Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall published a short video (part of her presentation)
The anthropologists from Remediated Places have videotaped their whole presentation and we can watch their 17 minute video. In their project they focus on the interaction of digital technologies, media, identity and ambiguity. You can also download their paper (draft)
- Alex Golub at Savage Minds reviews the conference: Getting our effervescence on: AAAs 2006: Many great panels, but less communication than usual.
- Alex Golub also comments on an article in Inside Higher Ed "Torture and Social Scientists": He wonders what sort of practical effect the anti-turture resolution of the AAA business meeting will have.
- At studentanthro.blogspot.com they have published a summary of the session "At A Critical Intersection: Exploring the Expectations and Needs of Anthropology Students"
- UPDATE (27.11.06): One of the most informative reviews by Thomas Strong at Savage Minds: AAA 2006: Late Observations
- UPDATE (28.11.06): Amelia Guimarina wrote a review of 4 AAA panels on the intersection of ethnography, digital information technology and the digital information technology industry
- UPDATE (9.12.06): Is there still the same pressure to justify ethnographic papers in terms of identity politics, asks Daniel Miller in his post Material Culture studies at the American Anthropological Association
See also earlier posts about the AAA meeting
First news from the AAA-conference?
San Jose: American Anthropologists Stand Up Against Torture and the Occupation of Iraq
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