The anthropology of nudity: New issue of American Ethnography Quasimonthly
(LINKS UPDATED 13.8.2020) “Why are you, with your impeccable credentials, studying nude dancing?” “I am an anthropologist. Anthropologists study human behavior”, answered Judith Lynne Hanna when she did her field work on striptease clubs. Hoochy Coochy Dancing and Fantasy Love is the topic of the new issue of American Ethnography Quasimonthly.
Exotic Dance Adult Entertainment. Ethnography Challenges False Mythology by Judith Lynne Hanna is one of the texts in the November issue. Furthermore, there is a chapter of the book “G-Strings and Sympathy” by anthropologist Katherine Frank on strip clubs and a photoessay by Juliana Beasley who worked eight years as a professional nude dancer.
Sociologist Danielle Egan also worked as a striptease dancer and wrote about it and we can read an excerpt from her book “Dancing for Dollars and Paying for Love”.
There are also two historical contributions: Anthropologist Patsy Holden writes about the history of the Waltz and Swing, and we can read the first chapter of Thomas Faulkner’s book From the Ball-Room to Hell (1892)
There is open access to all articles.
New e-zine: American Ethnography Quasimonthly
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