
10:59:19 pmCategories: Academic life and family

…It was twenty years ago: Cities. Part 1

A friend who checks my blog on a regular basis and know me well in “real time” commented jokingly that “style, voice and perspective” wasn’t really what concerned me at the moment, so, where’s the update? Numerous updates spin around in my head daily when I, hours on end, feel like I do nothing, but, when I in fact do nothing less than providing the total nourishment for keeping another human being alive. I try to see it that way, that I actually do something very important with long lasting effects and which in the big scheme of things doesn’t take that much time… But it’s hard to change outlook entirely and over-night from one aloof and intellectual to one almost entirely concerned with biological and material necessities. Naïvely, before the little creature arrived, I imagined I would have at least a couple of hours a day for doing other things. But unfortunately we happened to call him Leo and indeed he eats like a lion. …well, duty calls with a loud roar. That’s it for today. I didn’t even get to the point of telling what happened twenty years ago and what that has to do with cities and why this is of concern for this blog.

I’m curious to see how many parts it will take me to get me to finish this post or even get to the point. Well, that’s life at the moment.

1 comment

Comment from: [Member]

Wow welcome back, Cicilie! Looking forward to the next posts! A good start that roused - at least my - curiosity :)

14/01/09 @ 02:07

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« Cities: It was twenty years ago. Part 2The question of style, voice and perspective »