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Open Access Anthropology Repositories

16.11.2010: Welcome to this new and incomplete overview over digital libraries and repositories with free access to papers and theses. Most of them are in English (some in German and Scandinavian languages) and mostly based on the overview at Open Doar.

Are there repositories missing, for example in other languages? Let me know! See also the overview over anthropology journals

2.2. 2016: Correcting of bad links has started

1.9.2019: It is difficult to keep this overview up to date as these repositories are getting moved around all the time. I hope the people in charrge of this will one day understand the importance of permanent links



mana'o - open anthropology repository

SSOAR - Social Science Open Access Repository

Anthrobase - multilingual database of anthropological texts


Open Folklore


DUO - University of Oslo

MUNIN - University of Tromsø

BORA - University of Bergen - Papers, Sweden


Amsterdam University Press (even free books!)

Leiden University Repository

RIAN - Pathways to Irish Research

London School of Economics

University of Cambridge

SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Goldsmiths, University of London

Lancaster University

Edinburgh Research Archive

University of St.Andrews

Germany / Austria / Switzerland

Universität Freiburg i. Brsg.

FU Berlin

Uni Frankfurt am Main

Uni Mainz

Uni Heidelberg

Uni Bayreuth

Uni Köln

University of Zürich



American University of Cairo

Sudan Open Archive

Rhodes University

University of Johannesburg

University of Pretoria

University of the Western Cape

University of South Africa


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

North-Eastern Hill University (India)

University of Sumatra

National University of Malaysia

AUS / NZ / Oceania

University of Adelaide

The Australian National University

University of Wellington


Concordia University

McGill University

University of Victoria


Temple University

Florida State University

University of Florida

Rice University

University of Georgia

Working Papers

Open Anthropology Cooperative

Media Anthropology Network

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers

COMPAS Working Papers on transnationalism

Forced Migration Online (University of Oxford)

Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History

Manchester Anthropology Working Papers

University College London

University Mainz

University of Freiburg, Brsg: Freiburger Ethnologische Arbeitspapiere

University Bern

University Bielefeld

Book Reviews

American Ethnologist (weird navigation on new website!)

Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology

ARD - Anthropology Review Database

Page last modified on September 01, 2019, at 10:45 AM - Powered by PmWiki
