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03.08.05: The blog has moved to www.antropologi.info/blog/anthropology/, and several broken links have been corrected

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Sunday, February 20, 2005, 18:26

What does it mean to be Muslim in a secular society? Anthropologist thinks ahead

The Daily Star Lebanon

Dounia Bouzar, an anthropologist and educator, spent two years working with 12 Muslim associations in France studying the different ways young Muslims approach their daily life. Her newest book, "Monsieur Islam n'existe pas; Pour une desislamisation des debats" (Mr. Islam doesn't exist; de-islamisizing the discussions), is one of several publications just out in France that examine "la France Musulmane," or Muslim France. Part of the goal in her new book is to show just how diverse the community is.

Discrimination is still a big problem in France and Bouzar feels it's important to look for the reasons why a percentage of young Muslims feel the need to look abroad for guidance - a relatively new phenomenon. >> continue


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