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03.08.05: The blog has moved to www.antropologi.info/blog/anthropology/, and several broken links have been corrected

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Monday, March 28, 2005, 20:37

Book review: Reindeer People - Living with Animals and Spirits in Siberia

Ronald Hutton, Times Online

Piers Vitebsky is one of a tiny number of British experts on the region and an internationally renowned anthropologist. This book "REINDEER PEOPLE: Living with Animals and Spirits in Siberia" is the record of successive visits that he has made over the past 17 years to live with members of a native people called the Eveny in the Verkhoyansk Mountains in the far north-east. Like his earlier work, it shows him to be both an excellent scholar and a gifted writer, with a feeling for landscape and character and a knack for metaphor and allusion. >> continue

Piers Vitebsky: What is a shaman? - Worlds of the Shaman (Natural History, March 1997 / findarticles.com)
Peoples of the Russian North and Far East (Arctic Circle)


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