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03.08.05: The blog has moved to www.antropologi.info/blog/anthropology/, and several broken links have been corrected

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Friday, May 20, 2005, 00:43

Savage Minds - our first anthropological newspaper?

The anthropology group blog Savage Minds is only five days old, but there are already lots of blog entries and even more comments - or you should rather call the entries for articles: they are well written, detailed - "ready to print". It looks like as if Savage Minds is on its way to be the most important anthropology site on the net.

These are at least my euphoric thoughts after reading today's posts Armchair Anthropology in the Cyber Age? (Topic: How the web changes anthropology and its methods) by Kerim Friedman and Alex Golub's answer Anthropology and the Clash of Civilizations where he draws the attention to the influence of popular ethnocentric online-videogames on the relation between "us" and "them" and Dustin M. Wax's reflections Nothing Is Just after an anthropology lecture he held. He discusses one of the most central issues in anthropology: "Nothing is Just. Filmmaking isn’t “just” making movies. Marriage isn’t “just” a marker of committment. Family isn’t “just” the people you are related to. Giving gifts isn’t “just” a form of exchange."

Savage Minds makes one (once more) think of the old-fashioned publishing conventions in social science where only paper publications are "accepted". Here in Norway, the Norwegian Anthropological Association has started to include debates on published articles in their journals. But how is discussion possible when you have to wait three months for the next issue? How up-to-date can paper journals be? Their reviews are about books that are at least two years old! In their last issue they were "happy to announce" that they are going to present some papers of their last years' annual conference in their next issue. Maybe Savage Minds can change their mind?


Kerim Friedman, Friday, May 20, 2005, 08:24


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