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03.08.05: The blog has moved to www.antropologi.info/blog/anthropology/, and several broken links have been corrected

Here are the most recent posts on the new blog location:

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005, 12:45

Most searched words: Zoo Augsburg african village. Newspapers start to report

Just a short note on what people search: "Zoo Augsburg african village" are the most searched words at the moment. It's quite striking how often this site is visited by people (from countries all over the world!) searching for news about the planned exhibition of Africans in the Zoo in Augsburg, Germany. The news has spread mainly via the internet. Only two newspapers (update 1.6.: now it's three - no four!) in Germany have been interested in this issue so far. It is widely debated on German language blogs and forums, though.

Here I've collected updated news and links:

>> African village in the Zoo: Protest against racist exhibition

>> Bewusster oder unbewusster Rassismus? Proteste gegen "African Village" im Zoo


Steve Portigal, Wednesday, June 01, 2005, 16:55

Most searched words? Where? On the entire Internet?


Lorenz, Wednesday, June 01, 2005, 17:03

Not on the entire internet, of course. Most searched words of people visting this website via search engines. During the recent days, the majority of people who visited this website searched for the above mentioned words. I've never had so many visitors before.


Matt, Wednesday, June 08, 2005, 23:14

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