"Anthropology of Tourism - Heritage and Perspectives" 1.6. - 2.6.2015 in Krakow, Poland
The aim of the conference is to outline the scope of the anthropology of tourism. As travels have become more and more important part of human’s life, the relationship between a human being and culture in the context of travelling and tourism enables to distinguish several phenomena that decide about the specifics of life in the 21st century.
The basic assumption adopted by the organisers is to find a dialogue between researchers belonging to different generations and often representing various disciplines of the humanities and social sciences.
Deadline for abstract submission: 28th February 2015
More information: https://www.facebook.com/anthropologyoftourism and http://anthropologyoftourism.pl/en/about/
13th EASA Biennial Conference, Tallinn University, Estonia 31st July - 3rd August, 2014
The double bind between economic growth and environmental sustainability may well be the most significant conundrum that humans face today. This panel will give room to ethnographies of uncertainty, hope and fear in the interstices between unhampered growth and environmental accountability.
Amidst a growing sense of global climate crisis and local environmental deterioration, the dilemma of profit-seeking at all costs (the neoliberal doctrine) versus the sustainability of life on this planet can be felt in different terrains worldwide.
This panel will explore ethnographic spaces of hope and fear amidst accelerated change and the intensification of global processes.
We will look into the interstices between unhampered growth and environmental sustainability to explore some of the following questions:
This panel will examine the frictions created by the volatility of the global neoliberal system and the concomitant versatile reactions to environmental degradation in local communities across the globe. While the empirical locus will be placed on local life-worlds, we urge participants to interweave their small-scale ethnographic narratives with large-scale processes of global capitalism.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is 27th February 2014.
Section of Contemporary Cultural Studies in the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) announces call for papers for international, interdisciplinary conference entitled
'Localities through Mobility. Cultures of Motorway in Contemporary Europe'.
The conference will be held on 11-12 June 2014 in Poznań (Poland).
The main aim of the conference is to explore the multifaceted connections between locality understood as socio-cultural practice, grassroots economies and the present development of motorways.
We invite contributions from every relevant perspective and field (anthropology, sociology, geography, economics, geoinformatics, development planning ) that cover the following areas:
- phenomenon of motorway as a specific cultural landscape;
- cultural, economic and social aspects of modernization in the context of motorway;
- construction of motorways as a production of new forms of enterprise and new way of facing the trauma of big changes;
- culture of transport and logistics (flow, mobility; cultural landscapes; objects of/through movement);
- anthropology of motorway (motorway and roadside spaces; different social actors and motorway;
- seasonal character of socio-economic practices connected to the road);
- motorway as a factor of development;
- cultural dimension of a suburban infrastructure (suburbanization, splintering urbanism; local/ suburb/provincial/rural economies and business; roadside and suburb aesthetics; motels, roadside trading, prostitution).
Proposals should be submitted by 13 April 2014. The conference language is English and all presentations should be in English. Proposals (maximum 500 words) along with a brief biographical statement (no more than 100 words) should be send to: ieiakconference@gmail.com
Proposal submission deadline: April 13 , 2014
List of approved proposals: April 20, 2014
The conference language: English
Organizers will cover costs of accomodation during the conference (11/12 June 2014) and will provide conference materials and catering. Participation in the conference is free of charge. Organizers do not reimburse for any travel expenses or additional accomodation costs. All presentations will be audio-recorded and displayed online on Creative Commons BY-SA License.
Organizers: prof. dr hab. Waldemar Kuligowski, dr Agata Stanisz
Conference secretary: Aleksandra Reczuch
Conference website: http://www.facebook.com/motorwayconference
The conference is financed from the research grant 'Moving modernizations. Influence of motorway A2 on local cultural landscapes' funded by the Polish National Science Center (OPUS Programme).
Project website: http://ruchomemodernizacje.weebly.com/
Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
św. Marcin 78
61-809 Poznań
tel. +48 61 829 4817
fax +48 61 829 4710
e-mail: ieiakconference (AT) gmail.com
Rethinking assisted conception: dynamics of law, morality and religion (P106)
Tallinn, 31st July - 3rd August, 2014
Panel Abstract
In the last decades many insightful studies gave evidence on how assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) allow for the formation of new intimacies, and on the work necessary to circumscribe those relationships that count as kinship. Influenced by Schneider's critique, these studies have largely focused on questioning the seemingly natural‚ principles of human reproduction.
By explicitly focusing on dynamics of law, morality and religion, the proposed panel shifts the spotlight on the structures and principles embedded in the social uses of reproductive technologies. What moral, theological and juridical logics underlie the concepts of kinship that move people when they turn to - or refrain from - certain technologies of assisted conception? And how are they contested and negotiated?
We hope to discuss these and other questions in order to develop an understanding of reproductive technologies as means by which societies seek to guarantee social continuity.
We welcome empirically or theoretically informed papers that do not shy away from reading across these domains. Topics might include but are not limited to: How can we conceptualize the relationship between science, morality and religion in the age of biotechnologies? How do people relate to religion as a resource to cope with vulnerability? How do lay people and experts use moral claims to justify or challenge fertility regimes and exclusions? And do new forms of social dynamics thereby emerge? What notions of belonging and proximity do such claims express?
Convenors: Sibylle Lustenberger (University of Bern) and Shirin Garmaroudi Naef (University of Zurich)
Submissions: Deadline 27.02.2014
All submission should be made online at: http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easa/easa2014/panels.php5?PanelID=3029
„Die Geschmäcker sind verschieden“ – doch wie schmeckt Harz IV? Wie klingen Sandstürme? Wie fühlen Millionenstädte? Wie sehen Ahnen aus? Wie riecht Timbuktu?
Während einer Feldforschung treffen einen geballte Sinneseindrücke und Emotionen. Wie geht man in der Ethnologie mit diesem sinnlichen Erleben der Fremde um? Ist es überhaupt angebracht in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen über Sinneseindrücke im Rahmen eigener Gefühle zu schreiben? Sollte das nicht lieber im kleinen Kreis bei einem Bier verarbeitet werden? Oder leben ethnologische Werke und ihre VerfasserInnen nicht gerade von Nabelschau und Nervenkitzel? Welchen Platz kann eine Wissenschaft sinnlichen Erfahrungen einräumen? Wann verliert die Ethnologie ihre Wissenschaftlichkeit und wird Geschichtenerzählerin? In welchem Maß schulden ethnologische Werke den Lesenden Transparenz über ihre Entstehungsgeschichte?
Für die 33. Ausgabe der CARGO - Zeitschrift für Ethnologie können noch bis zum 20. Januar 2014 Abstracts eingesendet werden. Einsendeschluss für die Artikel: 8. März 2014
Die CARGO ist eine studentische Zeitschrift, die nun schon seit mehr als 30 Jahren regelmäßig erscheint und interessierten Studierenden der Ethnologie und fachverwandter Studiengänge eine Plattform für die Publikation und Diskussion eigener Artikel bietet.
Download Call for Papers (pdf)
HammockTreeRecords - Verein zur Förderung kritischer Kunst und junger Wissenschaft in Wien
Der nächste Sammelband in der Reihe Junge Wissenschaft im Verlag des HammockTreeRecords Kollektivs wird sich mit Themen rund um Konsum beschäftigen.
Im Kapitalismus, ebenso wie in seinen vorlaufenden, konstituierenden Tendenzen, nimmt der Konsum eine zentrale Rolle und einzigartige, systematische Dimensionen an. Die veränderlichen Gepflogenheiten des Konsumierens und ihre Folgen auf Umwelt und Mensch stehen – auch und vielleicht vor allem zu Zeiten von wirtschaftlichen Krisen – im Zentrum kontroverser gesellschaftlicher Debatten: etwa der illegale Konsum von Filmen und Musik über das Internet, der längst Gegenstand medialer Diskussionen geworden ist, die so genannte Wegwerfgesellschaft, geplante Obsoleszenz, oder auch das (Wieder-)Entstehen von Commons als Alternativen zu kapitalistischem Konsum.
Diese und weitere Themen, Perspektiven und Ansätze rund um Konsum, das Konsumieren und insbesondere die Folgen sollen im geplanten Band kritisch diskutiert werden.
Aus diesem Grund suchen wir Beiträge, die sich mit folgenden aber auch weiteren Themen beschäftigen:
• Welche konzeptuellen Perspektiven von Konsum gibt es?
• Wie lässt sich Konsum in historischen Zusammenhängen diskutieren?
• Welche Zusammenhänge gibt es zwischen Konsum und Politik?
• In welchem Verhältnis stehen Absatz/Konsum und Überlebensfähigkeit von
Betrieben und Unternehmen?
• Welche Alternativen zum kapitalistischen Konsumieren gibt es bzw. haben
alternative Projekte die Möglichkeit neben dem kapitalistischen Konsum zu
• Wie nachhaltig ist nachhaltiger Konsum?
• Was passiert mit den Nebenprodukten des Konsums, dem Müll?
• Wie kommt es zu Phänomenen des zwanghaften Konsumierens etwa in Form von Kaufsucht oder Kleptomanie?
• Welche Auswirkungen haben Konsum bzw. die Auseinandersetzung damit, was/wie wir konsumieren, darauf, wie wir Dinge wahrnehmen, bewerten und miteinander kommunizieren?
• Welche Auswirkungen hat uneingeschränkter Konsum auf Umwelt und Natur?
• In welchem Verhältnis stehen Prostitution und Konsum?
• ...
Diesen und gerne weiteren Fragen wollen wir uns in diesem Sammelband widmen.
Aussagekräftige Abstracts in deutscher oder englischer Sprache (maximal 300 Wörter, Schriftart Arial oder Times New Roman, Schriftgröße 12 pt, Zeilenabstand 1,5cm), aus denen Zielsetzung, theoretischer Hintergrund und methodisches Vorgehen ersichtlich werden, sind bis 31. Jänner 2014 unter call (AT) HammockTreeRecords.com im Dateiformat .doc willkommen.
Die Auswahl der Beiträge und die Einladung zum Schreiben der Texte erfolgt Ende März 2014. Alle Beiträge werden einem anonymisierten Peer- Review-Verfahren unterzogen.
Der Sammelband wird von Regina Hemetsberger, Stephanie Arzberger und Stephan Hochleithner bei HammockTreeRecords Kollektiv in der Reihe Junge Wissenschaft herausgegeben. Aus diesem Grund werden vor allem, aber nicht nur, Studierende aus sozial- oder geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen ermutigt, ihre sowohl theoretischen als auch empirischen Arbeiten zu diesem Thema einzureichen.
Download Call for Papers (pdf)
Tsantsa. Journal of the Swiss Ethnological Society
Guest editors: Frédéric Keck (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, CNRS/EHESS/Collège de France), Saskia Walentowitz and Ursula Regehr (Institut d’anthropologie sociale, Université de Berne)
Abstracts submission: January 31, 2014
What does an anthropology look like, in which anthropos no longer occupies the center stage of the social world? What is a human science, if it is based on the observation that humans and non-humans constitute each other? What is cultural diversity when culture is no longer seen in contrast to a universal nature? What is the social when it no longer constitutes a separate domain? The thematic issue of Tsantsa 20 is dedicated to the “ontological turn” and the shifts it produces in the anthropological discipline.
Through paradigm change or by silent revolution, anthropology is abandoning its foundational dualism. The dichotomy between “nature” and “culture” is questioned by studies of cosmologies, which postulate the existence of “multiple natures” and of a unique “culture” shared by humans and other forms of life, things and artefacts. Western multiculturalism thus appears as one possibility among others to create collective life. There, the unity of nature is only obtained thanks to an ongoing distinction, i.e. through scientific practice, between humans seen as unique subjects of knowledge and the rest of the world seen as constituted by a myriad of known objects.
The decentralisation of anthropos has profound implications for the definition of research objects and methods of inquiry, as well as for the analytical gesture and forms of restitution. Anthropology becomes symmetrical by recognizing the agency of nonhumans, without, however, presuming any ontological distinction between “subjects” and “objects”. It takes materials seriously, without reducing them to substrata of actions or symbolic thoughts. This kind of anthropology favours the description of how common worlds are composed rather than explaining them. Through the shaking of the discipline’s foundations, the contours of a new comparative anthropology emerge.
The approaches of such a comparative project necessarily vary. The term “ontology” is omnipresent in pioneering works, but carries different meanings due to their respective disciplinary horizons and fields of inquiry: anthropology of nature, multi-species ethnography, empirical philosophy, anthropology of science and technology, semiotic materialism, symmetrical archaeology, phenomenography, recursive anthropology ...
Without calling for a unification of these approaches, TSANTSA 20 seeks for original articles which draw freely on these heterogeneous resources. How may a perspectivist anthropology in Amazonia inspire a study of biosecurity in Asia and vice versa?
How do ethnographies of multiple natures in Europe transform the analysis of globalisation processes regarding health or biodiversity? What happens to anthropological concepts when there is no longer the need to distinguish between the ideal and the material? What may an anthropology of science contribute in order to give speech to non-humans in analyses outside the realm of science? Conversely, how may we extend multi-species communication into techno-scientific worlds where new entities proliferate?
For this thematic issue, we are looking for texts, which bring these different approaches together and make them resonate. We are interested in reflections that do not only consider the potentials, but also the risks of such a decentralisation of anthropos. How may a non-anthropocentric human science critically engage with new forms of exploitation of human and non-human resources? What does such a science teach us about asymmetries, for example those that prevail between genders, a question that has hardly been addressed by the works prominent in the ontological turn. Do its approaches favour incommensurability, or do they, on the contrary, open up new forms of reciprocity with regard to the many challenges the world is currently facing?
Languages: English, German or French
Abstracts: 500 words, comprising a title, a summary of the argument, a description of the data corpus, a specification of the methodology, as well as a short biography specifying the discipline and professional status of the author/s, to be sent before January 31, 2014, to saskia.walentowitz (at) anthro.unibe.ch
Articles: max. 40,000 characters including empty spaces and references. The articles will be subjected to a double review by the editorial committee and external experts.
Please join:
- Abstract (500 characters in English)
- 3-5 keywords
- Personal and contact data (institution, phone, Email)
Abstracts submission: January 31, 2014
Further information under: http://www.seg-sse.ch/pdf/directives_Tsantsa.pdf
Read the whole Call for Papers (in German, English and French)