Anthropologist Martijn de Koning (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Since the murder on Van Gogh radical Muslims are the centre of attention. However, it is still a minor group that is radicalizing. In this lecture the focus will be on the life of ordinary, not radical and not criminal, young Muslims and how they negotiate in different domains (especially internet) about what Islam is, what the importance of Islam is and how they should practice Islam. In the end some concluding remarks will be made on the relationship between 'radical' and 'moderate' Islam. >> continue
Anthropologist Martijn de Koning is one of the blogging anthropologists! I found his blog after he had left a message in my guestbook. He writes mostly in Dutch but has a huge collection of Islam-related links. Very interesting - and partly in English - is, a blog by several academics who research religion including Martijn Koning. Check also their news aggregator with links to religion-related news stories from around the world!
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