Here they are: Open access anthropology books!
by lorenz on Feb 21, 2011 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, books, anthropology (general)
Comment from: yidaki53
Comment from: lorenz
Regarding peer review and the politics of publishing check an earlier issue of Anthropology Matters
Comment from: Evolet
Thank you from a history lover.
Comment from: Martha Radice
Daniel Miller and his research team at UCL have published a great open access ebook series on social media around the world. This one is the comparative findings book; you can browse to find the others:
Comment from: siavash123

I am Siavash from Iran
I studied anthropology at the undergraduate level
I am very happy to meet him on your site
I would like to thank the entire executive team of this website.
Because I think it does a few useful things:
Provides an easy and fast way to develop knowledge
Helps protect the environment.
Why is open access not considered equal to standard academic standards? Can we trust the peer-reviewing? Is open access a breach on conventionalism?