Alexander Knorr, Xirdalium
Oftentimes there is a confusion about what anthropological 'fieldwork' actually is. One aim of my project is to transpose anthropology's rich and powerful methodology to the terra nova online: thick participation plus its we… more »
Category: "fieldwork / methods"
by lorenz on Mar 8, 2005 in culture traditions, fieldwork / methods, anthropology (general), journal articles / papers
Here are three more articles from the Anthropology News March 2005 by the American Anthropological Association:
Vishvajit Pandya: "When Land Became Water". Tsunami and the Ongees of Little Andaman Island
I had a chance to visit the Ongees in the last… more »
Anthropology Matters in one of the few anthropological online journals - and an excellent one! Finally, their issue 2 / 2004 (!) is put online. In this issue, they bring together eleven papers that were first presented and discussed at the Future Fields… more »
Anthropologist Cicilie Fagerlid (University of Oslo) has recently published her thesis about young British Asians on the web. In her introduction, she writes:
"Society cannot remain a society if people feel excluded on basis of what characterises them… more »
The Lantern, Ohio State University
In a presentation titled "The Politics of Representation," ethnographer Marie "Keta" Miranda addressed the general misrepresentation of gang members, but focused largely on women. She discussed the knowledge she gain… more »
Anthropologist Eric Gable,
It is hard to decide what to call this remarkable book, the first of two volumes. It is for the most part a collection of stories told by a West African bar girl,"Hawa," to anthropologist and musicologist John… more »
by lorenz on Jan 19, 2005 in Us and Them, fieldwork / methods, Northern America, anthropology (general)
Greater Milwaukee Today
Over a three-year period of time from 2000-2003, Urban Anthropology Inc., a Milwaukee nonprofit organization, deployed a handful of anthropologists, anthropology interns and former homeless individuals to document 109 stories o… more »
Dina Mehta, author of the blog Conversations with Dina, points to a ethnographic study on bloggers. She quotes:
"The bloggers interviewed say their preference for blogging over a web page because it is more dynamic “the rhythm of frequent, usually bri… more »
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