Workshop: An Anthropology of Governance (Lund, Sweden)
October 18-19, 2007 Lund University
In recent years expressions such as “organic democracy”, new public management, “democracy without the people”, the Third Way, la voie unique have opened the way to new discussions on the transformation of political power, the nature of emergent political classes, the globalization of governance (NGO’s) and global governance. These issues can be added to an older list including expressions such as vampire states, flight capital, state collapse, the new feudalism, privatization of the state, NGOization etc.
This workshop seeks to explore the possibilities of understanding these contemporary changes that have had and express massive global transformations.
Key-note speakers
Prof. Anne Griffiths, University of Edinburgh
Prof. Jonathan Friedman, University of Lund
Prof. Bruce Kapferer, University of Bergen
Closing date for application October 1, 2007.
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