3rd Global Conference: Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship (Salzburg, Austria)
Posted by lorenz on 2007 Nov 16 in Europe outside Scandinavia, * Conferences, *In English
Friday 16th November - Sunday 18th November 2007, Salzburg, Austria
With this inter- and multi-disciplinary project we seek to explore the new developments and changes of the idea of pluralism and the implications those have for social and political processes of inclusion and citizenship in contemporary societies. The project will also assess the larger context of major world transformations, for example, new forms of migration and the massive movements of people across the globe, as well as the impact and contribution of globalisation on tensions, conflicts and the sense of acceptance, rootedness and membership.
More information: http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/ati/diversity/pluralism/pl3/cfp.html