Canada and Northern Diversities (Tromsø)
6–9 August 2008, Tromsø (Norway)
Nordic Assocation for Canadian Studies (NACS/ANEC), in collaboration with the Centre for Sami Studies at the University of Tromsø, and in parallel with the Nordic Political Science Association (NOPSA), will be holding its ninth triennial conference in Tromsø, Norway, from 6–9 August 2008.
Papers may be given in English or French; the working language of the Conference will be English.
The conference themes include: Northern security, Canadian and Nordic Aboriginal issues, Arctic issues, narratives of Norths, Canadian film and Northern arts, and constitutional issues.
The 9th triennial Conference of the Nordic Assocation for Canadian Studies (NACS/ANEC) will take place in Tromsø, at the northernmost university in the world, located north of the arctic circle. The Conference is organized in cooperation with the Centre for Sami Studies.
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