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[ Comments ]

National Museum of the American Indian

New museum, opening 21.9.04. Great website with online-exhibitions. Uses Flash animations.

Potlatch - Gifting and Feasting in the Northwest Coast Potlatch

Online-exhibition by The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology about a famous economic institution among the Northwest Coast Indians

The largely undocumented rural population of the Amazon, Brasil

Del av en større side om "Peasants Social Worlds" med mange bilder og gøy å lese!
"...focuses on the people who live on the floodplains of the River Amazon. In particular it addresses the constitution of their historical and contemporary identities. The presentation will tell you both about peoples' lives and about what anthropologists have contributed to the academic debates about changing rural societies" - by Mark Harris, University of Manchester

Mørkets hjerte i El Dorado

Thomas Hylland Eriksen diskuterer i en kronikk i Dagbladet (høsten 2000) Napoleon Chagnons forskning om yanomamö-samfunnet i Amazonas

Fotball i Latin-Amerika er ramme alvor

Fotball i Latin-Amerika er ramme alvor og sier noe om folks identitet, sier argentineren og antropologen Eduardo Archetti til Studvest (13.10.99). Det er snakk om prestisje og ære. I Latin-Amerika er fotball et viktig sosialt og kulturelt fenomen.

Camping With The Sioux

A Fieldwork Diary of Alice Cunningham Fletcher

Canadian Museum of Civilization

Exhibitions about Canadian cultural history and Inuit Ethnography

NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art

"An internet resource for indigenous ethno-technology focusing on the arts of Eastern Woodland Indian Peoples"

Fieldwork in Seattle - Faith and religion in a modern world / Feltarbeid i Seattle - religionsutøvelse og modernitet i Seattle vineyard, USA

Hovedoppgave av Per Dehlin, Universitetet i Oslo (2001), English/ norsk

Personal Networks and Social Support in Costa Mesa, a Multiethnic Community of Southern California

Short fieldwork report by of students at University i Køln/ Germany and University of California

The Last Paradise: Man-Animal Relationships on Galapagos

Dissertation by Eugene Guribye, Universitetet i Bergen

Latinamerikagruppene i Norge

aktuelle nyheter og omfattende link- og artikkelsamling om Latinamerika

Global.no Amerika

Mer enn 100 linker om alle land i Nord- og Søramerika

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