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Linker: Feltarbeid

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Anthrobase.com - Vitenskapelig artikkelsamling

Jon Henrik hos Ifugaoene på Filippinene

Flott nettsted om opplevelsene under et 10måneders feltarbeid blant Ifugaoene på Filippinene i 2003/04. Inneholder dagboksnotater, prosjektbeskrivelsen, mange bilder og noen lydopptak.

Erna i Afghanistan

Seks rapporter direkte fra felten!

"Erna Andersen tog i marts måned 2003 på feltarbejde i Afghanistan. Under feltarbejde skrev hun til GumsaGumlao"

The Anthropologist in the Field

En mye omtalt standard internett-kilde og bra innføring i antropologisk feltarbeid i Papua Ny Guinea av Laura Tamakoshi. Navigasjonen er dessverre litt forvirrende.

A Fieldtrip Into Galicia

Lettlest og praktisk innføring i antropologisk feltarbeid, av Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing (CSAC) - University of Kent at Canterbury

"The materials describe a seven week course in social anthropology at a summer school in the Polish city of Cracow. Postcommunist society is neither exotically strange nor reassuringly familiar to the participants, who learn to apply and deepen their knowledge in a variety of activities outside the classroom.

How to Do Ethnographic Research: A Simplified Guide

The section was authored by Barbara Hall (University of Pennsylvania) and is intended to provide general, simplified information about how to conduct and write up the results of ethnographic research.

Experience Rich Anthropology

Nettsted av Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing (CSAC) - University of Kent at Canterbury med mange spennende feltstudier

"This project is designed to enhance the teaching and learning of anthropology by encouraging teachers to help students explore the relationships between field data and analysis as reported in monographs and journal articles"

The Innocent Anthropologist: Notes from a Mud Hut

Anmeldelse av klassikeren på amazon.co.uk (unntaksvis en kommersiell link)

"Barley's narration of life with the Dowayos is successful because he makes no attempt to romanticise it - a trait he had noticed in many of his colleagues who had done fieldwork. This version of the anthropological monograph - a combination of humorous travel writing with some theoretical approaches - was for me a refreshing alternative to the rather dry outpourings of many academics."

Feltarbeid på et marihuana-festival i Australia og blant hekser i Italia

Nedtegnelser av Rosanne Kristiansen og Kjersti Smørvik i Antropress

"Feltarbeidet er noe alle hovedfagsstudenter og masterstudenter enten gruer seg til eller gleder seg til. Stort sett så drar vel alle avgårde med en følelse av skrekkblandet fryd."

Feltarbeidet er dødt – leve feltarbeidet!

Feltarbeid engasjerer alle antropologer - og studenter like mye som førsteamanuenser og professorer. Dette forteller Kathinka Frøystad som her oppsummerer hovedsesjonene fra NAFs årskonferanse 2002 i Trondheim (AntropologNytt, Norsk Antropologisk forening)

Reflections on fieldwork

Alan MacFarlane har lagt ut tre foredrag som videoer:
53 minute video on doing fieldwork / Reflections on fieldwork among the Gurungs of Nepal / Reflections on using film in fieldwork

The Society of Nobles in Lithuania - An email correspondence

Hvordan reagerer informantene på antropologisk forskning? Finn Sivert Nielsen har lagt ut en interessant epost-korrespondanse

"One student group decided to write their paper on an organization for members of the Lithuanian nobility - "The Society of Nobles in Lithuania". After the paper had been online for about 7 months, I received an email from a member of The Society of Nobles, criticizing the students' work. As a result, a rather lengthy email correspondence between myself and two members ensued.""

Ude i felten

Dansk nettsted som dessverre ikke lenger blir oppdatert: "Små introduktioner til feltarbejdet, nyhedsbreve fra felten, umiddelbare overvejelser, konferenceoplevelser og hvad I ellers finder på"

Somie blog

A blog written while undertaking anthropological fieldwork in Somié, Adamaoua, Cameroon/Cameroun(University of Kent)

Forskningsprosessen i sosialantropologi

En forelesning i stikkord. Av Finn Sivert Nielsen

Ethnography on the Move: From Field to Net to Internet

Andreas Wittel, Forum Qualitative Social Research

Traditional ethnographies have been based on the ideas of locality. But with the rise of globalisation processes this concept has been increasingly questioned on a theoretical level. In the last decade, US-American anthropologists called for multi-sited ethnographies. However, the practical implications for research with such a shift have not been broadly discussed yet

George Marcus, "Ethnography In/Of the World System: the Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography"

Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 24 (1995) / Central European University

The emergence of multi-sited ethnography is located within new spheres of interdisciplinary work, including media studies, science and technology studies, and cultural studies broadly. Multi-sited ethnography might give methodological anxieties: a concern about testing the limits of ethnography, a concern about attentuating the power of fieldwork, and a concern about the loss of the subaltern. The paper concludes with observations about the reflexive persona of the ethnographer as "circumstantial activist".

Forum Qualitative Social Research

Tidsskrift med mange arikler om samfunnsvitenskaplig forkningsmetoder, etikk og refleksivitet

Tips for videre lesning

Anbefalte bøker om antropologisk feltarbeid. Utdrag fra: Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1996): Nærmere kommer du ikke... Håndbok i antropologisk feltarbeid

Ting å tenke på før du drar

Utdrag fra: Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1996): Nærmere kommer du ikke... Håndbok i antropologisk feltarbeid, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

OBS: Dette er bare et lite utvalg av feltarbeidsrelaterte nettsteder og artikler. I vårt magasin AntroMag er det mer lesestoff og flere linker er det i den regionale linksamlingen

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