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[ Comments ]

The Internet - an ethnographic approach

Internetbruk i Trinidad - antropologisk studie av Daniel Miller og Don Slater. Deler av denne boka kan lese på nettet!

"On the basis of perhaps the first regional study of the Internet, this book challenges concepts of virtual reality. Instead, it investigates how the Internet has become part of people's lives - from the middle class to squatters, from popular culture to ecommerce in Trinidad. "

First Monday

Veldig bra tverrfaglig nettmagasin om internettkulturen!

"First Monday is one of the first peer–reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet. Since its start in May 1996, First Monday has published 537 papers in 98 issues; these papers were written by 635 different authors"

Ethno::log Cyberethnologica

Lots of blog entries related to cyberanthropology

maxmod :: online among the gamemodders - a research-project in cyberanthropology

Omfattende og innovativt nettsted om et nytt forskningsprosjekt

"'Maxmod' is an open-research-project in sociocultural anthropology. At its core stands long-lasting 'thick participation' in an online-community. The chosen community condensates around the shared interest in, and practice of modifying commercial computergame-software, particularly the game "Max Payne". "

Internet and Globalisation (updated link)

Dokotoravhandling om bruken av internett i utviklingsland av Paula Uimonen. Inkl. flere anmeldelser, bl.a. av Thomas Hylland Eriksen.

"Approaching Internet development in terms of cultural management, this study focuses on the social dynamics underlying its expansion in developing countries. The research is based on multi-sited and translocal fieldwork in Geneva, Southeast Asia and cyberspace (translocal site)."

Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies

Very useful website. Introduction into Cyberculture. Lots of book reviews. Calendar.

"The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies is an online, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to research, teach, support, and create diverse and dynamic elements of cyberculture."

Ethnologie des Cyberspace - Identitäten im Internet

Antropologene Joana Breidenbach / Ina Zukrigl oppsummerer forskningsarbeider innenfor cyberantropologi

"Das Spektrum der ethnographischen Erforschung neuer Medien reicht von der Analyse computerbasierter Kommunikation wie Chat, E-Mail, Websites und Newsgroups bis zur "klassischen" ethnographischen Feldforschung. Für Letztere folgen Ethnologen ihren Informanten in Internet-Cafés, verfolgen deren Online-Chats, begleiten sie zur Arbeit, in die Schule und in Clubs. I"

The Net, Hacking and Linux (Norsk / English)

Flere korte og lengre tekster av Lars Risan

"Med fokus på hvordan man faktisk lager et sosialt fellesskap rundt forvaltningen av den type intlektuell eiendom som Fri Programvare er et eksempel på."

The Silicon Valley Cultures Project

"The Silicon Valley Cultures Project is a long-term ethnographic study of the cultures living and working in the hi-tech communities of Silicon Valley, now entering its fourteenth year."

Stedløse samfunn

Hovedoppgave om Internet Relay Chat (IRC) av Per Egil Kummervold, Universitetet i Tromsø

"Jeg er hovedsaklig interessert i fellesskap som eksisterer kun på IRC. Jeg er interessert i hva som kjennetegner de relasjonene som bygges opp mellom mennesker som aldri har truffet hverandre i virkeligheten, og i hvilken grad løsrivelsen av den sosiale personen fra personens kropp påvirker kommunikasjonen." OPPDATERT LINK!

Neil Blair Christensen (1999): Inuit in Cyberspace: Practising and Constructing Computer-mediated Space (updated link)

"This paper reports on Inuit Internet users in the Arctic regions of Canada, Alaska and Greenland, as they themselves are shaping the use of information technology."

The Internet and Usenet - Global Computer Networks: An investigation of their culture and its effects on new users

Hovedoppgave i sosialantropologi av Tim North, Curtin University of Technology (1994). OBS (12.4.05): Nettstedet er blitt lagt ned. Linken fører til en kopi i nettarkivet

"I was interested in whether or not the Net could be thought of as a society and, if so, what would be revealed if it was anthropologically studied in much the same ways that mainstream societies are. It was written way back in 1993–94 (before the widespread use of the web) and is an interesting look at the origins of Net culture."

Kaos og orden på Usenet - en antropologisk analyse av elektronisk nettkommunikasjon

Hovedoppgave i sosialantropologi ved UIO vår 1997 av Espen Munch

"Sosialantropologi handler i bunn og grunn om hvordan mennesker samhandler. Og helt siden jeg begynte å bevege meg inn på Usenet, hadde jeg vært overrasket over intensiteten i samhandlingen, hvor mye arbeid som ble investert. Jeg ble nysgjerrig på hva slags spilleregler de stadig refererte til, hvilke koder de fulgte, hva de holdt på med, og hvorfor."

Ansichtssachen - Webcams auf privaten Homepages

Hvordan blir nettkameraer brukt på nettet? Blir det funnet opp nye identiteter? Et forskningsprojekt ved Universitetet Tübingen

"Diese Homepage präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer zweisemestrigen studentischen Forschung zum Phänomen Webcam (2002/03) am Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft der Universität Tübingen"

Mobile phones and the wireless society

Mange tekster av Mizuko Ito om mobilteknologi

"I am a cultural anthropologist studying media technology use, particularly how digital media are changing relationships, identities, and communities."

Open Source and Hacker Anthropology

Tekstsamling av Eric S. Raymond

"Eric S. Raymond is an observer-participant anthropologist in the Internet hacker culture. His research has helped explain the decentralized open-source model of software development that has proven so effective in the evolution of the Internet. His own software projects include one of the Internet's most widely-used email transport programs."

Open Source and Gift Economies on the Internet

Stor tekstsamling av vitenskaplige artikler av Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Database Cyber Anthropology

Huge link collection by University of Amsterdam

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