RE: Star Trek und Ethnologie

admin ⌂ @, Mittwoch, 25.01.2006, 23:05 (vor 6684 Tagen) @ Nina

Coole Idee! Hab aus Neugierde Dein Thema auf die Schnelle gegooglet und mehr als erwartet gefunden. Aber wahrscheinlich kennst Du einiges davon schon>

Weber, Ingrid: Unendliche Weiten : die Science-Fiction-Serie Star Trek als Entwurf von Kontakten mit dem Fremden
Frankfurt/M. : IKO - Verl. für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 1997. - 255 S.; Zugl.: Saarbrücken, Univ., Diss., 1996 "

Die Inszenierung von Ethnizität in der Science Fiction am Beispiel Star Trek
Autor: Marion Näser
Fachbereich: Ethnologie / Volkskunde
Kategorie: Hausarbeit
Hochschule: Universität Marburg
Jahr: 2002 (allerdings auf einer Seite, die ich wie ich finde boykottieren sollte, da wird Geld verlangt zum Lesen von Arbeiten!)

Star Trek: Four Fields in Space
My vote for the most “anthropological” pop culture phenomenon goes to Star Trek. They collect biological, historical, political and cultural data on each society. And they even have a running debate between scientific empiricism (Spock) and humanistic interventionism (McCoy). While the “prime directive” prohibits interference with the “primitive” societies they encounter on other planets, they never seem to actually abide by this rule. Especially Kirk, who seems keen to write an interplanetary update to the Sexual Life of Savages."

Local College Offers Star Trek Anthropology Course - "analyzes Star Trek as a mirror of contemporary American culture and American attitudes about other cultures. The 22 episodes chosen for this class all demonstrate how American popular culture has led to a mixture of fact and fiction. One example used is "The Paradise Syndrome", in which Captain Kirk is stranded on an Earth-like planet that has produced a civilization similar to that of Native Americans before the intrusion of the white man. The anthropological point of this episode is that American popular culture portrays all Native Americans as Plains Indians, and that has resulted in a mish-mash of dwellings, dress, rites, and symbols in the Star Trek episode. "

Deep Space and Sacred Time: Star Trek in the American Mythos
"Boldly going where no TV show has gone before, the original Star Trek series spawned a galaxy of lucrative franchises and legions of adoring fans>so many that Wagner and Lundeen (they're married; he's an anthropologist, she's a nursing teacher) contend that Star Trek has become part of 20th-century American mythology.">v=glance&n=283155

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