On the website of the American Anthropological Association, medical anthropologist Matthew Wolf-Meyer announces a new anthropology journal called After Culture: Emergent Anthropologies:
The first issue is planned for release in September 2006, and thereafter will be published semiannually (in March and September) and made available free through the internet (URL forthcoming).
This is good news for all of us who promote open access to scientific knowledge!
There will be no paper version of the journal "as this steeply raises costs", he explains on his own homepage.
It doensn't seem to be that much expensive to run a online journal. The total cost of one year’s worth of publications (2 issues, 200 pages), he writes, is approximately $3200 (based on University of California Press figures and including the costs of formatting, online storage and publicity).
Currently, they are seeking article manuscripts which focus on the interactions between nature, culture and society, or are in the general thematic areas of science and technology studies or critical studies of medical knowledge and practice.
Given AAA approval, the journal will be published by the University of California Press and made available through AnthroSource, he adds.
>> continue reading on Matthew Wolf-Meyer's homepage
>> Call for Papers
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