Wow! A new anthropology journal! Made by students worldwide. Imponderabilia is it called, and it is “the product of our love of, and frustration with, anthropology":
The journal tries to overcome, erode, undermine and blur the boundaries between institutions and disciplines, between theory and practice and between undergraduates and postgraduates. We envision a space where students can share their research and exchange their views, criticisms and reflections on anthropology through articles, interviews, photography and other creative methods.
Imponderabilia draws on the thoughts and insights of students from universities across the world; it represents a genuine dialogue between authors, editors and peer reviewers many of whom have been in contact during the process of planning, writing, and rewriting. Authorship therefore transcends university degrees and field sites and we hope the journal can develop into a platform for the sharing of our common, yet unique experiences of studying and ‘doing’ anthropology.
The first issue (spring 2009) consists of several dozens articles - there are interviews about visual and activist anthropology, text about activists and police at a Climate Camp, the significance of gossip, learning and teaching anthropology, and much more including poetry.
And the journal, based in Cambridge University (UK), exists both in a pdf version (even print?) and an “extended online version” - open access for all of us.
Imponderabilia, by the way means “a series of phenomena of great importance which cannot possibly be recorded by questioning or computing documents, but have to be observed in their full actuality” ( Malinowski 1922)
>> visit Imponderabilia
On their website I found two other student journals I haven’t mentioned before (local ones though): Abantu (University of Cape Town, South Africa) and Problematics (Stanford University, USA)
Thanks Lorenz for this awesome news
Happy to learn about that.