Two months free access to AAA journals!
by lorenz on Nov 3, 2009 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, anthropology (general), journal articles / papers
From now on until the end of December, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) is offering free access to a large number of its journals.
Why not free all the time? asks Kerim Friedman. Good question. The AAA has often been criticized for its restrictive publishing policies.
But maybe things are changing. Here is a selection of journals with free access in november and december 2009. I’ve picked a sample article from the most recent issue as well. Very interesting stuff and many catchy titles! For the full list of journals, visit the AAA Blog
- American Anthropologist
Matthew Lauer and Shankar Aswani: Indigenous Ecological Knowledge as Situated Practices: Understanding Fishers’ Knowledge in the Western Solomon Islands - American Ethnologist
Jennifer Connolly: Forbidden intimacies: Christian–Muslim intermarriage in East Kalimantan, Indonesia - Anthropology & Education Quarterly
Rebecca Schaffer, Debra G. Skinner: Performing Race in Four Culturally Diverse Fourth Grade Classrooms: Silence, Race Talk, and the Negotiation of Social Boundaries Anthropology of Humanism
Neil L. Whitehead: Humanistic Approaches to Violence- Anthropology of Consciousness
Lewis Mehl-Madrona and Gordon Pennycook: Construction of an Aboriginal Theory of Mind and Mental Health - Anthropology of Work Review
David Griffith: Unions without Borders: Organizing and Enlightening Immigrant Farm Workers - City & Society
Sharryn Kasmir: Toward an Anthropology of Labor - Cultural Anthropology
Julie Livingstone: Suicide, Risk, and Investment in the Heart of the African Miracle - Culture & Agriculture
Christina Holmes and Janice E. Graham: Genetically Modified Organisms as Public Goods: Plant Biotechnology Transfer in Colombia - Ethos
Britt Dahlberg, Frances K. Barg, Joseph J. Gallo, Marsha N. Wittink: Bridging Psychiatric and Anthropological Approaches: The Case of “Nerves” in the United States - The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology
Andréa Cardarello: The Movement of the Mothers of the Courthouse Square: “Legal Child Trafficking,” Adoption and Poverty in Brazil - Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
Bonnie Urciuoli: Talking/Not Talking about Race: The Enregisterments of Culture in Higher Education Discourses - Medical Anthropology Quarterly
Suzanne D. Schneider: Radical Remedies: Women, Health, and the Micropolitics of Grassroots Organizing in Mexico - NAPA Bulletin
Konane M. Martínez: Thirty Cans of Beef Stew and a Thong: Anthropologist as Academic, Administrator, and Activist in the U.S.–Mexico Border Region - PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
Nahda Shehada: Flexibility versus Rigidity in the Practice of Islamic Family Law - Transforming Anthropology
Setha Low: Maintaining Whiteness: The Fear of Others and Niceness - Visual Anthropology Review
Martin G. Otañez and Stanton A. Glantz: Trafficking in Tobacco Farm Culture: Tobacco Companies’ Use of Video Imagery to Undermine Health Policy
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